DJ Velvety - Music

As DJ Velvety I produced a monthly house music podcast called Home with House for numerous years.  These podcast episodes are all archived in the show's section below.  You can also find other DJ Velvety mixes in the Other DJ Velvety Mix Releases section.

Home with House:
Home with House - DJ Velvety
A monthly podcast featuring mixes of deep house, funky house, jazzy house and soulful house music.

Latest Episode:   Home with House ep33 - 69%
Posted on:   April 23, 2011

Check it out:   Home with House


Other DJ Velvety Mix Releases:
DJ Velvety - Mix Releases
Download DJ Velvety's other mixes.

Latest Release:   Loungy Demo Aug 2008
Posted on:   September 7, 2008

Check them out:   Other DJ Velvety Mix Releases