
OddBall Screenshot Saturday #13

11:08 AM July 28, 2012
Today is Screenshot Saturday number thirteen! This week I've completed the anvil model and texture, and updated some GUI elements to reflect that. When an Oddball transforms into an anvil it drops down swiftly and has the ability to depress buttons in levels. You can see 2 of the Oddballs transformed and depressing buttons in this image.

I'm now working on the model and texture for the umbrella powerup. After that I will be adding in some new wall textures and then it's back to finishing more levels for the game :)

OddBall #screenshotsaturday #13

This entry posted by Graham in Velvety Couch Games
Tags: Game Development, OddBalls, ScreenshotSaturday


Looks cool. Can't wait to see it in action.

Posted by:  elektra tek   on August 14, 2012 8:34 PM